We were out on the streets in Machida in the evening, and met lots of cool Japanese young people!
今夜は町田のストリートで、たっくさんのCoolな若者たちに出会ってきました!We had awesome chats with them! Some of them were in high school, some in university, and everyone so friendly!!!
会話もホント弾んだよね~ 高校生や大学生、いろんな人たちがいたけど、みんな超フレンドリーだった!
Can't wait to see you guys again, please come to The FUSE on 28th June!! We're gonna have lots of fun together yeah!
またみんなに早く会いたいな!6月28日のThe FUSEに絶対みんな来てね!!いっしょにエキサイティングな時間を過ごそう!

Hope you all will have an awesome week :)

PS: Sorry, K! I must've got the wrong mobile email address from you... I couldn't email the photo to you!
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