Last Saturday at FUSE Jesus Community, Asians and Americans alike got to test out their skills at using chopsticks to see which team could put more rice and macaroni into their team's bowl. Thankfully for us Americans, Asians and Americans were paired together :) Also we heard a great message from JoeG entitled "The Gospel According to Billy Mays." He talked about what ya get, what it costs, and how ya get it. 前回のFJCでは、アジア人と西洋人がお互いの箸のスキルを競い合った!!マカロニとお米、箸で一番多く掴めるのはどちらか?!Joe Gのメッセージは”Billy Maysに基づいたゴスペル・メッセージ”。Billy Maysって、アメリカでは有名なテレビ広告セレブらしい・・・
This coming week, there are some awesome special events at FUSE Jesus Community. First, at FJC on Saturday, is our special Valentines week. See a special valentines Darth Vader versus Pink Bunny video show for the first time and hear Mark's message "Everyday Valentines." Then after FJC, we will be going to karaoke at 5:30pm. We'll have heaps of fun singing together and chatting, so don't miss it! Also, Tuesday the 16th is game night for FUSE. It will be in Noborito at 6:30pm. Contact us for directions or to have someone meet you at the Noborito station. 次回のFJCはいつもとちょっと違う!!Valentine Dayスペシャルと題して、ダースベーダーVSピンクバニーIIを放映いたします(トレイラーはこちら☆→!!Markのメッセージは、「毎日がバレンタインデー」♪そして、FJC終了後はKaraokeパーティ!一緒に歌ったり、おしゃべりしたり、楽しい時間になること間違いなし!!翌週の火曜日(16日)には、18:30よりGame Nightも企画してます!!場所は登戸のエクレシア教会にて☆詳細・質問等は下記のメールアドレスまで☆
FJC is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any questions, please write to us at: FJC は毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪小田急町田駅北口の改札を出て階段を上ったところで、2:45PMからFJCのメンバーが立ってるから、一人で来るのが心細い人はそこで 待ち合わせしていこう!そのほかに質問あるひとは、ここにメールして!thefuse09@gmail.comLivezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分!
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