
Adventures in Joy!

FUSE Jesus Community was quite an adventure this past weekend!  Despite some technical problems we encountered on Saturday, we still had a good time and it was an opportunity to see many people take on different roles in helping out at FUSE!  What a great group of people!  Mike shared his life story with us and told about how his life really changed when he realised that Jesus wanted a relationship with him.前回のFUSE Jesus Communityはアドベンチャーな週末だった!テクニカル面でのトラブルがいくつかあったにも関わらず、その中でみんながひとつになってFUSEをうごかしている様子が最高だった!なんてチームワーク!そしてマイクが自分のライフストーリーを語ってくれたよ。イエスが自分とパーソナルなレベルでつながりたいと願っていることに気づいた時、彼の人生がどれだけ変えられたかについてシェアしてくれた。
Mark gave a rather appropriate message on JOY!  It was a real challenge to everyone, especially as Mark shared that we can have joy even through times when everything seems to be going wrong!  If you're interested in having your life, be sure to check out the video on vimeo! マークのメッセージは「ジョイ」!人生において、状況は常にポジティブなわけじゃないけど、それでも喜べる要素を神さまはすでに与えてくれているんだよっていう励ましに満ちたメッセージだった。興味のある人はVimeoでビデオをチェックしてね!

We always have a good and encouraging time together at FUSE Jesus Community, so please join us this weekend in Machida!  Come, enjoy great music, a life-inspiring message and make a lot of new friends! Fuseではいつもみんなを励ますような最高な時間を過ごしてます☆だからみんなも週末は町田へLet's Go!最高な音楽と、人生に刺激をくれるメッセージ、そしてたくさんの友達との出会いが、Fuseにはあるよ!

Also, be sure to keep your schedule open for the 24th of July-- we're going to do some karaoke after FUSE, and that's always an entertaining time!  Please come sing with us!そしてそして、7月24日(土)のスケジュールは空けておいてね!みんなでFuse終了後カラオケに行こう!

On August 8, we're going to have a day at the Beach!!  It's going to be a great day!!  Meet us at 10:30am at JR Tokaido-Line Chigasaki Station and bring some clothes to swim and play around in!  It's destined to be a great day! 8月8日(日曜)は今年最初のFuseビーチデイアウト!最高な時間を過ごそう!JR東海道線茅ヶ崎駅改札に10:30AMに待ち合わせ☆動きやすい服装で、泳ぎたい人は水着等もお忘れなく!

ALSO!!  An IMPORTANT Notice!! Starting on August 22nd, FUSE Jesus Community will be meeting on SUNDAY!!! It will be at the same time and the same place, just a different day that will hopefully be easier on your schedule!  Speaking of that, also note that on the weekend of August 14-15, there will be no FUSE activities!  We're going to have a weekend off, but we're excited to continue the next weekend on Sundays!!そしてこれはとても大切なお知らせです!8月22日より、FUSEは毎週日曜日にお引越しします!時間と場所は今までと変わらず、町田Livezone Zにて15:00スタート☆そして、8月第2週目のFUSEはお休みです♪翌週第3週目からは毎週日曜になるので、どうぞお忘れなく!!

FJC is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any questions, please write to us at: FJC は毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪小田急町田駅北口の改札を出て階段を上ったところで、2:45PMからFJCのメンバーが立ってるから、一人で来るのが心細い人はそこで待ち合わせしていこう!そのほかに質問あるひとは、ここにメールして!thefuse09@gmail.comLivezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分!

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