
Builders of... People!

 Sunday at FUSE Jesus Community, we had a great time with a lot of wonderful people!! It was pretty awesome!  We had a few new friends also join us, including a new friend from America who came especially to be with us!  After some cool music from the FUSE band, we joined in a game of teamwork to try to interpret pictures that we drew on people's backs.  It was fun!前回のフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティにもたくさんのワンダフルな人たちが集まってくれた!楽しかったー♪アメリカから来てくれた新しい仲間も加え、フューズは毎回成長して行っているよ!フューズ・バンドの音楽の後は、チームワークを競い合うピクチャーゲーム。みんな最高だったね!

Afterward, Mark shared with us about building other people up in the final message in the series on leadership.  What a great way to end the series!! He gave some great keys to how to learn to build people up and encourage people.  What is the key to maintaining great relationships with people?  Mark shared it in his message, so check it out on vimeo!! そしてマークのメッセージは「人を建て上げる」、リーダーシップシリーズの最後のメッセージだった。どうやったら人を建て上げて、励ましていけるかについての重要な鍵が詰まったメッセージだった!その鍵を見つけたい人は、VIMEOにてメッセージをチェックしてね!

Next Sunday is going to be VISION Sunday at FUSE!!  Wanting to know more about what FUSE is all about and how to have vision and direction for your life??  Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida!  Every Sunday at 3pm!  Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!!  We look forward to meeting you!! 次回の日曜はFUSEビジョン・サンデー!FUSEが目指しているもの、神さまがくれたでっかいビジョン、知りたい人はみんな集まれ!毎週日曜午後3時から町田クラウド9スタジオにて!FUSEのコミュニティを体験して、最高の人生を一緒に築いていこう!


SPECIAL LIVE with Daisuke Yokoyama!!

This Sunday's FUSE Jesus Community was AMAZING!!  With special guest, DAISUKE YOKOYAMA, we had a great time, hearing from a very talented musician who is well known all around Japan and in the US!  Our long awaited Special Live with him was a treat, and we got to know Daisuke more in an interview with him that he gave before playing his music!  It was a very awesome afternoon!! 先週日曜のフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティはすごかった!スペシャルゲストに横山大輔さんを迎え、アコースティックライブを繰り広げてくれた!日本とアメリカで精力的に活動してきた彼の音楽は、癒しと情熱を持った最高の力を持っていた!またインタビューを通して、彼の神さまへの情熱を肌で感じ、とにかくすごいひとときだった☆

Later, Mark shared with us a very important message, taking a one week break from our leadership series.  The title of this message was: You Are Not a Burden!! And it's true!  It was a very important and very hopeful message!  Mark shared on some issues that many people keep quiet on, like depression and suicide.  But, he didn't just talk about those subjects, he offered hope!  Feeling like you need some hope?  Listen to this message on vimeo, it's worth your time! そしてマークのメッセージも、人生に超重要な要素が詰まっていた。「キミは重荷なんかじゃない」!!本当にそう!心に秘めてなかなか話題にできないことこそ、本当はみんなに話すべき真実だったりする。鬱や自殺願望、心に秘めたままじゃ何も変わらないよね。そんな人生からどうやって抜け出し、希望を得られるのかっていうメッセージ。もっと興味のある人は、Vimeoをチェックして!

Please join FJC next week and become a part of this exciting Community!! We meet every week on Sunday at 3pm in the new Cloud 9 Studio in Machida! It's an awesome place, with a fun and free atmosphere, great music and a message of HOPE!! If you feel shy to come by yourself, please email us to ! We can meet you somewhere in Machida and go together!


Come and join us for Yokoyama Daisuke Special Gig!

Great things happened last week at FUSE Jesus Community!  As we gathered together with new friends and familiar faces, we had an awesome time!  Last Sunday's FUSE band's music was particularly good and it was quite an experience!  Also, Mike led us in a game involving our friends acting out Anpanman getting into the rush hour train... it was pretty funny to watch them!  Later, Mark shared with us more about leadership and the difference between good managers and good leaders, as well as dreaming big!  If you weren't able to be there, please check out the video on vimeo! 前回のフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティも楽しいこと満載だった!新しい友達との出会いもあった☆FUSEバンドの賛美も、みんなの心に大きな希望を運んでくれる、そんなPeaceがあった。マイクのゲームコーナーでは、アンパンマンが満員電車に乗り込んだら・・・っていうクレイジーなマイム・ゲームだったよ!そしてマークのメッセージは、リーダーシップシリーズ第三弾、「もっと大きく夢見ろ!リーダーシップVSマネジメント」。管理者と開拓者の違いって何だ?リーダーに必要な要素をいくつか教えてくれる超マストなメッセージだった。VimeoにてUPされているので、ぜひみんなチェックしてね!   

Please join FJC next week and become a part of this exciting Community!! We meet every week on Sunday at 3pm in the new Cloud 9 Studio in Machida! It's an awesome place, with a fun and free atmosphere, great music and a message of HOPE!!  Also, mark your calendar for Sunday, September 19, our friend Daisuke Yokoyama ( will be joining us and doing a special performance. You won't want to miss it!



Let's Serve One Another!!

Last week's FUSE Jesus Community was a great one!  Not only did we have a great time together as friends and a community, but we also heard powerful music from the FJC band!  One of the highlights of the afternoon was hearing about and watching a video that our friend Tatsu did.  He put together this video as a promo for FUSE Jesus Community when he takes his trip to America!  It was a fun video!  Afterward, we surprised him with a video saying "Go Tatsu!".  Janine also shared with us this week about Servant Leadership, and how that tool can make the difference in whether we leave a legacy in our lifetime or not!  Weren't able to make it?  Check it out on vimeo!! 前回のFJCも超楽しかった!新しい&懐かしい友達との時間、そしてFUSEバンドの最高な音楽!そしてこの日のハイライトは、Tatsuの作ったFJCプロモビデオの上映&FUSEに対する彼の意気込みを聞けたことだった!そしてプロモビデオの最後には、サプライズでみんなからTatsuへの応援メッセージが!メッセージはJanineが「仕えるリーダーシップ」について分かち合ってくれた。ただの地位的なリーダーで終わるか、人々に伝説を残せる影響を持つリーダーになるのか、超重要なメッセージ。興味のある人は、Vimeoでチェックしてね!

Please join FJC next week and become a part of this exciting Community!!  We meet every week on Sunday at 3pm in the new Cloud 9 Studio in Machida!  It's an awesome place, with a fun and free atmosphere, great music and a message of HOPE!!  Next week, Mark will continue our series on leadership, so be sure to check it out.  Also, mark your calendar for Sunday, September 19, our friend Daisuke Yokoyama ( will be joining us and doing a special performance.  You won't want to miss it!