Last week's FUSE Jesus Community was a great one! Not only did we have a great time together as friends and a community, but we also heard powerful music from the FJC band! One of the highlights of the afternoon was hearing about and watching a video that our friend Tatsu did. He put together this video as a promo for FUSE Jesus Community when he takes his trip to America! It was a fun video! Afterward, we surprised him with a video saying "Go Tatsu!". Janine also shared with us this week about Servant Leadership, and how that tool can make the difference in whether we leave a legacy in our lifetime or not! Weren't able to make it? Check it out on vimeo!! 前回のFJCも超楽しかった!新しい&懐かしい友達との時間、そしてFUSEバンドの最高な音楽!そしてこの日のハイライトは、Tatsuの作ったFJCプロモビデオの上映&FUSEに対する彼の意気込みを聞けたことだった!そしてプロモビデオの最後には、サプライズでみんなからTatsuへの応援メッセージが!メッセージはJanineが「仕えるリーダーシップ」について分かち合ってくれた。ただの地位的なリーダーで終わるか、人々に伝説を残せる影響を持つリーダーになるのか、超重要なメッセージ。興味のある人は、Vimeoでチェックしてね!
Please join FJC next week and become a part of this exciting Community!! We meet every week on Sunday at 3pm in the new Cloud 9 Studio in Machida! It's an awesome place, with a fun and free atmosphere, great music and a message of HOPE!! Next week, Mark will continue our series on leadership, so be sure to check it out. Also, mark your calendar for Sunday, September 19, our friend Daisuke Yokoyama ( will be joining us and doing a special performance. You won't want to miss it!
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