This week we had an amazing time at Fuse Jesus Community!! Mark shared how important it is not to rush our relationships. God wants us to grow in love and not to expect to fall in love the first time we meet someone. Listen to the message at Fuse Vimeo Channel! 今週もフューズではすごい時を過ごした!!マークが恋愛に
It was so much being together!! This
week Street Live is on Tuesday at 7pm in Sagamiono Station. There will
be no Street Live on Friday. Please e-mail to find
out more! 一緒にいられるのはすごい!!今週のストリートライブは7時から相模大野駅であるよ。金曜日のストリートライブはお休みです。興味のある人はthefuse09@g-mail.comまでメール下さい。