The FUSE gets more exciting every week! Last week, we saw a great skit and heard a great message on "Taking the Grrr out of Anger." This week we're also having another message in the series on emotions. Mark will be speaking on the "Overcoming Rejection" and who you can find your identity from. Be sure not to miss the fun music and game this week either!
The FUSEは毎週進化している!先週は”ぅんぐぐぐぅぅーを怒りから取り除く”っていうタイトルのメッセージと、それに関連したドラマを披露したよ。今週もマークのメッセージは”感情を捕らえる方法シリーズ”第6弾、”拒絶された・・・どうやって立ち直れば良い?”。自分の本当のアイデンティティはどこにあるんだろう?みんな聞き逃さないためにFUSEに来てね!
Anyone can join us! We meet every Saturday at the North Exit of the Odakyu Machida station at 2:45 to walk to the FUSE together. It is completely FREE and we would love to see you there!
Special Announcment: We are having a "FUSE Day Out" on Monday, September 21st. Anyone can come! We will meet at 1pm at the Sagami-Ono station to head to the park and hang out. Then at 6pm we will once again meet at the Sagami-Ono station and go to karaoke together. You can come to one or the other, or both, but one thing's for sure - we want to see you there! You do not wanna miss this fun time! More info to come later.
もうひとつのスペシャルアナウンスメント!9月21日(月・祝)、FUSE Day Outを実行!参加者大募集中!午後1時に小田急相模大野駅で待ち合わせ、その後相模原公園(めちゃ広くて快適なPark)へGO!その後、午後6時にまた相模大野駅で待ち合わせして、夜はカラオケ大会♪両方来れない人は、公園だけーとか、カラオケだけーでも全然OK!とにかくみんなで楽しい時間を過ごそうよ!詳細は近日またFUSEでアナウンス/BlogにUpするよ!