
Banana Lovers!

Do you think you can eat a banana while blindfolded?...what about feeding someone else a banana while blindfolded? Well this week at the FUSE we tested this out, seeing which team could do it the quickest. Great job to all who participated in the game!目隠しをされた状態でバナナを食べられるか・・・?もしも目隠しをされただれかがバナナを自分に食べさせるとしたら?前回のFUSEでは、どのチームがそんな状況でバナナを一番早く食べ終われるかっていうクレイジーなゲームをしました(笑)。参加者のみんな、おつかれさまでした・・・!

Next week we will hear more awesome music from the FUSE Band, have an awesome game you can participate in, and hang out with each other afterwards. Also, there will be a message on your true identity; who can tell you who you truly are? how do you know who you are? Come to the FUSE this Saturday to find the answer. 次回のFUSEでは、バンドのライブ、参加型ゲーム、そして終了後のCafe Timeを用意してます♪次回のメッセージは、"アイデンティティ―自分の知らない本当の自分"について!このトピックの答えを見つけるには、今週土曜のFUSEにぜひ遊びに来て!

The FUSE is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any question, write to us at: フューズは毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪小田急町田駅北口の改札を出て階段を上ったところで、2:45PMからフューズのメンバーが立ってるから、一人で来るのが心細い人はそこで待ち合わせしていこう!そのほかに質問あるひとは、ここにメールして!


The FUSE Day Out!!!

Hooray! It's a holiday and we now get time to just relax and hang out with friends. The FUSE celebrated this with the FUSE Day Out. We enjoyed obentos and games in the park and finished the day off with karaoke. It was so much fun! Thank you everyone for turning up!
シルバーウィーク中、FUSEではイベントを企画、たくさんの友達とゆっくり時間を過ごした!中でもFUSE Day Outは大盛り上がり♪公園でランチやゲームを楽しんで、締めくくりはカラオケパーティ♪超楽しかった!来てくれたみんな、ありがとう!これなかった人は、次回は是非参加してね!

This past FUSE, we had awesome music from the FUSE band and a great message from Mark. The message was on "Overcoming Fear." When we are afraid of something, we let that fear control us, but in overcoming our fears there is freedom. At the next FUSE, be looking forward to more awesome music, games, hangout with friends, and a message on "failure-the path to success". 
先週のFUSEは、FUSE Bandのライブで盛り上がり、Markのスーパーメッセージで心震えた!メッセージのタイトルは、「恐れから開放される」。心の中にある’恐れ’って、私たちの思いや行動を支配するよね。でも、その恐れから開放されれば、その先には自由が待ってる。次回のFUSEではCoolなライブとゲーム、みんなとのエキサイティングな時間、そして’失敗 -それは成功への道’っていうタイトルのメッセージをMarkが届けてくれるよ!

The FUSE is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any question, write to us at:
フューズは毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪

Livezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分! 地図など詳しくはWebでチェック♪


FUSE Day Out is coming closer!

There is so much fun and exciting things happening at the FUSE these days! Anyone can come to the FUSE, and it's ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! Just meet us outside the North Exit of the Odakyu Line Machida train station at 2:45 on Saturday. It is every saturday from 3-5 and we would love to see you there!
FUSEでは毎週エキサイティングなことが盛りだくさん!誰でも入場無料で入れるよ!Livezone Zにて毎週土曜午後3時スタート!小田急町田駅北口で午後2:45にFUSEのスタッフが待ち合わせしているから、一人で行くのが心細いときは一緒に待ち合わせしていこう!

At the FUSE's last event, 33 people turned up as Nozomi told her story of putting her trust in God thru the hard times. Also, Mark had an awesome message on "Overcoming Rejection" and there was a great game involving eating spicy rice crackers.
前回のFUSEでは、33人が集まったよ!Nozomiがどんなふうに辛い毎日の中で神さまの本当の愛に出会ったか、ストーリーをみんなに話してくれた。超感動的だった!マークはSuper Messageの中で、拒絶された体験から立ち直るためのいくつかのアドバイスをみんなにくれたよ!ゲームは、「唐辛子せんべい早食い競争」!!みんな燃えてたよ

The FUSE Day Out is coming up fast and it's gonna be so much fun! It is next Monday (9/21); we will be going to the park in the afternoon and then karaoke in the evening. Anyone can come, so we hope to see YOU there! We will meet for going to the park at 1pm at the Sagami-Ono staton by the main ticket gate.
FUSE Day Outがいよいよ間近に迫ってきた!来週の月曜(9月21日・祝)、午後に相模原公園で楽しい時間を過ごして、夜はカラオケパーティ!誰でも参加OKなので、来たい人はぜひ連絡してね! 小田急相模大野駅改札口で午後1時に待ち合わせして相模原公園へ出発!

We'll be eating lunch, playing games, and even h
ave some music, so bring a sack lunch and an instrument too if you'd like. Then we will meet at 6pm at the SagamiOno station by the main ticket gate to go to karaoke. If you can come to the park, but not karaoke, that's ok. Or if you can come to karaoke, but not the park, that's fine too. If it is raining Monday afternoon, we will not meet at 1 for going to the park, but still plan on meeting for karaoke at 6pm. Please come!

For more information about the FUSE, please email us at:


Taking the Grrr out of Anger.

The FUSE gets more exciting every week! Last week, we saw a great skit and heard a great message on "Taking the Grrr out of Anger." This week we're also having another message in the series on emotions. Mark will be speaking on the "Overcoming Rejection" and who you can find your identity from. Be sure not to miss the fun music and game this week either!
The FUSEは毎週進化している!先週は”ぅんぐぐぐぅぅーを怒りから取り除く”っていうタイトルのメッセージと、それに関連したドラマを披露したよ。今週もマークのメッセージは”感情を捕らえる方法シリーズ”第6弾、”拒絶された・・・どうやって立ち直れば良い?”。自分の本当のアイデンティティはどこにあるんだろう?みんな聞き逃さないためにFUSEに来てね!

Anyone can join us! We meet every Saturday at the North Exit of the Odakyu Machida station at 2:45 to walk to the FUSE together. It is completely FREE and we would love to see you there!

Special Announcment: We are having a "FUSE Day Out" on Monday, September 21st. Anyone can come! We will meet at 1pm at the Sagami-Ono station to head to the park and hang out. Then at 6pm we will once again meet at the Sagami-Ono station and go to karaoke together. You can come to one or the other, or both, but one thing's for sure - we want to see you there! You do not wanna miss this fun time! More info to come later.
もうひとつのスペシャルアナウンスメント!9月21日(月・祝)、FUSE Day Outを実行!参加者大募集中!午後1時に小田急相模大野駅で待ち合わせ、その後相模原公園(めちゃ広くて快適なPark)へGO!その後、午後6時にまた相模大野駅で待ち合わせして、夜はカラオケ大会♪両方来れない人は、公園だけーとか、カラオケだけーでも全然OK!とにかくみんなで楽しい時間を過ごそうよ!詳細は近日またFUSEでアナウンス/BlogにUpするよ!

If you would like anymore information about the FUSE meetings, the FUSE day out, or how to get more involved, please email or check out our website
FUSEについてのInfo/FUSE Day Outに関する質問など、こちらのメルアドまでどしどしどうぞ♪


the FUSE Live - Don't Worry, Be Happy

Extra, Extra, Read all about it! This week at the FUSE, 4 people tested their skills at sliding through a hole in a newspaper without letting it rip. It didn't take too long for 2 of the newspapers to rip, but the other two stayed intact until the end. Congratulations on a job well done, guys!

This week's message was called "Don't worry, Be Happy!" It's easy to let worries control our lives, but learning to let go of our worries can help us enjoy life.

The next FUSE meeting is this Saturday (9/5) and we are excited about having an awesome time together again! Mark will be speaking on "Taking the Grrrr Out of Anger" and word is out that there's gonna be an awesome skit put on by the FUSE team for it. Be sure you don't miss it!
次回のThe FUSEは9月5日(土曜)!みんな一緒にエキサイティングな時間を過ごそう☆マークのスーパーメッセージは、”んぐぅぅぅぅ~を怒りから取り除こう!”っていうテーマだよ。それとおんなじテーマのスキットもThe FUSEのダンスチームがお届けするので、それも見逃さないでね!

The FUSE starts at 3PM at the LiveZone Z in Machida. Anyone can come to the FUSE! Free Entry! We can't wait to see you there! We will be waiting at the Norh Exit of the Odakyu Machida Station at 2:45PM for anyone who would like to walk to the FUSE with us.
The FUSEは町田にあるライブハウス”Livezone Z”で毎週土曜午後3時から☆入場無料、みんな来て!一人で来るのが心細い人は、小田急町田駅の北口で午後2時45分ごろ、The FUSEのメンバーがポスターを持って立っているから、待ち合わせして一緒に行こう!

If you have any questions or want additional information, please email us!
The FUSEについて質問などある人は、こちらのメルアドまでお気軽にどうぞ!

Livezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分! 地図など詳しくはWebでチェック♪