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There is so much fun and exciting things happening at the FUSE these days! Anyone can come to the FUSE, and it's ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! Just meet us outside the North Exit of the Odakyu Line Machida train station at 2:45 on Saturday. It is every saturday from 3-5 and we would love to see you there!
FUSEでは毎週エキサイティングなことが盛りだくさん!誰でも入場無料で入れるよ!Livezone Zにて毎週土曜午後3時スタート!小田急町田駅北口で午後2:45にFUSEのスタッフが待ち合わせしているから、一人で行くのが心細いときは一緒に待ち合わせしていこう!
At the FUSE's last event, 33 people turned up as Nozomi
told her story of putting her trust in God thru the hard times. Also, Mark had an awesome message on "Overcoming Rejection" and there was a great game involving eating spicy rice crackers.
前回のFUSEでは、33人が集まったよ!Nozomiがどんなふうに辛い毎日の中で神さまの本当の愛に出会ったか、ストーリーをみんなに話してくれた。超感動的だった!マークはSuper Messageの中で、拒絶された体験から立ち直るためのいくつかのアドバイスをみんなにくれたよ!ゲームは、「唐辛子せんべい早食い競争」!!みんな燃えてたよ
The FUSE Day Out is coming up fast and it's gonna be so much fun! It is next Monday (9/21); we will be going to the park in the afternoon and then karaoke in the evening. Anyone can come, so we hope to see YOU there! We will meet for going to the park at 1pm at the Sagami-Ono staton by the main ticket gate.
FUSE Day Outがいよいよ間近に迫ってきた!来週の月曜(9月21日・祝)、午後に相模原公園で楽しい時間を過ごして、夜はカラオケパーティ!誰でも参加OKなので、来たい人はぜひ連絡してね! 小田急相模大野駅改札口で午後1時に待ち合わせして相模原公園へ出発!
We'll be eating lunch, playing games, and even h
ave some music, so bring a sack lunch and an instrument too if you'd like. Then we will meet at 6pm at the SagamiOno station by the main ticket gate to go to karaoke. If you can come to the park, but not karaoke, that's ok. Or if you can come to karaoke, but not the park, that's fine too. If it is raining Monday afternoon, we will not meet at 1 for going to the park, but still plan on meeting for karaoke at 6pm. Please come!
For more information about the FUSE, please email us at:
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