
Are YOU a High-Performance Person???

FUSE Jesus Community was as awesome as ever this week!  On Sunday, we were able to meet a lot of new friends and sing some cool songs about Jesus.  In the FJC band, Maki debuted singing and Yuiko sang and played guitar!  There is always something new going on at FJC!

Mark shared with us a message about High-Performance People.  It was a very encouraging message!  Have you ever noticed that it is really difficult to live a perfect life?  Have you ever tried?  Did you succeed?  It's impossible, ne!  But Mark shared with us how Jesus offers us the power to live a great life and to make the most of it!  He gave the example of some of his followers and how they were not even very educated people.  However, these were people who ended up making a difference in the world.  The people around them noted that the difference was that they had been with Jesus! マークのメッセージは『「高性能」を持ち備えた人』についてシェアしてくれたね。今までみんなパーフェクトに生きるって凄く大変って思ったことある?完ぺきに生きる事をトライしたことある?そのトライは成功したかな?そんなの不可能だよね!でも今回のメッセージでマークはジーザスがどんなに素晴らしい力を私達に与えて最高の人生をおくれるようにしてくれるかシェアしてくれた。ジーザスの弟子達を例えに、彼らは当時特に教養があったわけじゃなかったけど、世界の歴史に残る変化をとげて、彼らの周りにいた人にもその違いがジーザスからくるものだってわかるくらいだったんだって。

To find out more about becoming a high performance person, you can watch the message at .  Check it out! もっと『「高性能」を持ち備えた人』についてのメッセージの内容が聞きたい人は、ここからメッセージが見れるのでアクセスしてみてね。

Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!! 毎週日曜午後3時から町田クラウドナインスタジオにてフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティはみんなを待っているよ!最高の人生を、最高の仲間と一緒に築いていこう!みんなに会えるのを楽しみにしているよ!!

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