This week at FUSE Jesus Community was great!! We had awesome music from the FJC band, and even a special treat-- Joe played trumpet for us! Also special, we got to hear Ty's life story. He talked about how he was full of jealousy and anger until he met Jesus and learned how loving and good he is! What a different person he is now thanks to Jesus!
Mark later shared a message with us called "Now is the Time to Change!". How exciting! He talked about the verse-- remember your creator in the days of your youth. As young people, we have so many opportunities and our options are wide for the future! There is so much possibility. Basing your life on what Jesus says will make your life strong. So, the future is all ours! We can do so much! Please check out the video on!! Now's YOUR chance to change!
Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!! 毎週日曜午後3時から町田クラウドナインスタジオにてフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティはみんなを待っているよ!最高の人生を、最高の仲間と一緒に築いていこう!みんなに会えるのを楽しみにしているよ!!
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