Thank you so much to all who joined the FJC 2 year anniversary last Sunday! It was a blast! Record numbers came to celebrate this day together, and enjoyed fellowship and awesome performances from Break Free Dance Team & Singer-Songwriter Daisuke Yokoyama!
明日金曜は「ブレイクフリーと過ごすハング・アウト・ フライデー」!登戸エクレシア教会にてPM5:30スタート。 小田急登戸駅改札口にてPM5:20に案内人が立ってるので、 道順を知らない人は一緒に行こう! 夕食も無料で振る舞われるので、参加希望の方はthefuse0 9@gmail.comまで連絡してね! 毎週金曜はいつもオープンなディナータイムをみんなで持ってるん だけど、今週はブレイクフリーも参加するからスペシャルだよ! 一緒に夕食を楽しみながらブレイクフリーと仲良くなっちゃおう! ブレイクダンスを教われるチャンスもあるかも・・・??
This weekend is also going to be another PARTY WEEKEND!
Tomorrow is "Hang-out Friday with Break Free"!! Starting from 5:30PM at Noborito Ekklesia Christian Church. There will be people at Odakyu Noborito Station at 5:20pm to show you the way. Please let us know if you're coming ( )? We get together for fun every Friday for dinner but this week is going to be more special with Break Free joining us! It's a great opportunity to get to know them! Let's have dinner together and even a break dance session with Break Free if you like...!
明後日土曜は洗礼パーティIN鵠沼!! 小田急鵠沼海岸駅改札にP M2:00集合だよ!洗礼の後はみんなで海で遊んじゃおう! 天気予報によると、土曜は晴れて暑くなるようです☆ 洗礼を受けるのに興味ある!っていう人も、まだまだ募集中だよ!
Tomorrow is "Hang-out Friday with Break Free"!! Starting from 5:30PM at Noborito Ekklesia Christian Church. There will be people at Odakyu Noborito Station at 5:20pm to show you the way. Please let us know if you're coming ( )? We get together for fun every Friday for dinner but this week is going to be more special with Break Free joining us! It's a great opportunity to get to know them! Let's have dinner together and even a break dance session with Break Free if you like...!
明後日土曜は洗礼パーティIN鵠沼!! 小田急鵠沼海岸駅改札にP
This Saturday is the BAPTISM PARTY in Kugenuma!! Meet us at Odakyu Kugenuma-Kaigan Station at 2PM. After the baptism, we can all go into the ocean together... according to the forecast it's going to be a hot sunny day! Let us know if you're also interested in getting baptized!
そして明々後日日曜はブレイクフリー・デー!翌日に帰国する彼ら からの最後のパフォーマンスと、リーダー・ ジョシュによる力に満ちたメッセージを満喫して、 新しく始まる一週間をエネルギッシュにスタートさせよう!
Sunday at FJC, we're going to have a final performance from Break Free (They will leave Japan the next day), and Josh the leader of Break Free will bring us an energizing message. Let's get boosted for the new week!
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