Last Saturday at FUSE Jesus Community, we started with listening to FUSE Band play some great Christian rock music. Also there was a game involving eating bananas quickest. Debbie gave an encouraging messaging about having joy, praying always, and being thankful in everything. After our regular FUSE meeting, FJC moved to a nearby bowling alley in Machida to try our hand at bowling. It was heaps of fun hanging out and chucking bowling balls at pins (or on occasion, into the gutter.) 前回のFJCでは、HannahリードボーカルでFUSEバンドがCoolなクリスチャンロックをお届けしました☆二人掛りで協力してバナナを食べるレースもあった(笑)。メッセージはDebbieちゃん。喜び、祈り、感謝の心を持つことで、私たちは最高の人生を送れるっていう元気の出るメッセージだった!!FJC終了後は町田ボーリングセンターへ☆みんなめちゃめちゃ楽しんでた!ガーターもでまくり(笑)。筋肉痛の人も出たっていううわさも・・・♪
This week for FUSE Jesus Community, we have a couple of fun events coming up. This Tuesday (March 2nd) at 7pm is another jam night in Noborito. If you play an instrument, sing, or would just love to listen, come to Noborito Ekklesia church and have a great time (if you need directions to the church, or someone to pick you up at the station, please email us right away for more info.) Also, this Saturday in Machida is our regular FJC meeting at 3pm so don't miss it! There will be awesome music from the FUSE Band, an encouraging message, and a fun game.今週のFJCもイベント盛りだくさん!3月2日(火曜)午後7時より、登戸エクレシアキリスト教会にてJamナイト♪参加希望の方は、下記のメルアドまでご連絡ください☆詳細を追ってご連絡します!土曜日のFJCは通常通りの午後3時スタート!今週はJoe G & YuikoによるSMAPのあの名曲も初披露・・・??みんなにエネルギーをたっぷり注ぐメッセージもありだよ!!
FJC is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any questions, please write to us at: FJC は毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪小田急町田駅北口の改札を出て階段を上ったところで、2:45PMからFJCのメンバーが立ってるから、一人で来るのが心細い人はそこで 待ち合わせしていこう!そのほかに質問あるひとは、ここにメールして!thefuse09@gmail.comLivezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分!
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