Right after our final song of the day, we had a surprise in store for some special people. K-chan had just celebrated her birthday, and Y-chan, who spends so much time and effort in making FUSE Jesus Community a success was about to celebrate her birthday! We had a cake for them to blow the candles out on and also a clip celebrating Yuiko and many of us were in the photos! We hung out and enjoyed our time together, eating cake and celebrating! Afterward, at the cafe where we had dinner, we also enjoyed time talking about everything from the message that Mark shared with us to the World Cup game and teams and scores! FJC終了後にはなんとサプライズ・パーティ!FJCのために頑張ってくれているKちゃんとYちゃんのバースデー!!ケーキの上のろうそくの火を一緒に消して、その後はスライドショーもなんと上映☆ケーキを一緒に食べて、最高な時間だった!そのあとはCafeへGO!ワールドカップのことや、今日聞いたメッセージについて、みんなとほんわかタイム♪
THIS Week you really need to come to FUSE! It's our One Year Celebration!! If you haven't come before, it's a great time to kick off coming to the FUSE and if you already do come, make sure you're there! Special guest ImariTones (check them out on Youtube!) will be playing along with the FUSE band and there are all kinds of special things happening! Come celebrate with us! Invite your friends and make more new friends on this Momentous Occasion!!! (we're meeting at 18:30 instead of 15:00 which is our nomal time) 今週のFJCにはみんな絶対に参加してください!!!!!なぜかというと、今週はFJCの一周年バースデーパーティだからです☆☆いつもFJCに来ている人も、しばらく参加してなかったなぁという人も、参加してみたかったんだぁという人も、みんなみーんなウェルカム!!スペシャルゲストにIMARi ToNESを向かえ、一緒にロックで盛り上がろう!お友達も誘って、みんな18:30にLivezone Zへ集合!!(通常の15:00スタートではなく18:30なのでお間違いなく☆)
-Tuesday, June 29-- We're going to have an International Party with a group of friends visiting from out of America. It will be in Noborito at 7pm!! If you're not sure where exactly to go from there, meet outside of the Odakyu Line ticket gates at 6:50pm and we can all go together! Much fun is to be expected! 6月29日(火)アメリカから来るチームと一緒にインターナショナル・パーティ!登戸にあるエクレシア教会をお借りします。19:00スタート!18:50に小田急登戸駅改札口に待ち合わせしましょう!
FJC is OPEN every Saturday for ANYONE! We meet at a livehouse called Livezone Z in Machida, Tokyo from 3pm every Saturday. You'll receive a free drink ticket on your first visit :) We will be standing at the North Exit of Odakyu Machida Station (after coming up the stairs) at 2:45PM, so if you feel nervous coming to the FUSE by yourself, come and meet us at the station exit! If you have any questions, please write to us at: thefuse09@gmail.com FJC は毎週土曜に集まっている誰でもウェルカムな場所!町田にあるライブハウス、Livezone Zにて毎週土曜3:00PMに集まっているよ♪初回Free Drink付♪小田急町田駅北口の改札を出て階段を上ったところで、2:45PMからFJCのメンバーが立ってるから、一人で来るのが心細い人はそこで待ち合わせしていこう!そのほかに質問あるひとは、ここにメールして!thefuse09@gmail.comLivezone Zは小田急線町田駅北口より徒歩3分!
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