FUSE Jesus Community was awesome last Sunday! We had a great time together and are super excited for all the great things this year has in store! This last time we met together, we enjoyed powerful music with the FUSE band. On the FJC band this week, we had M's debut on bass!! She did great and we were excited to have her as part of the band!
Mark also shared with us a great message about Commitment to Growth!! He talked about how to continue to grow in your life, and how to move forward instead of just moving in place, like on a treadmill. It was a great message that we learned so much from!
One other thing this week-- we voted for the FUSE Tshirt design!! If you didn't have the opportunity to vote, you still have one more chance on this Sunday-- but it's your last chance to have a say on what the tshirt will look like!! We are excited, as many people contributed awesome designs. Which one will it be??
Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!!
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