Happy New Year!! Welcome to the first blog of 2011!! We are super excited about this year at FUSE Jesus Community, and are looking forward to amazing things happening all throughout this year!! Be there, so you don't miss out!!
On this first FUSE Jesus Community of 2011, we had a great time with the FUSE band, hearing awesome music about Jesus. Also, the last message of 2010 suggested, we looked back at the story of FJC until now. What a journey it's been! And in many ways, so unexpected! However, we are looking forward and pushing on to a future with BIG vision! Check out the awesome story and learn to be sure to build a great 2011 on vimeo!
2011年最初のフューズは、フューズバンドの最高の音楽でイエスをみんなで賛美したよ♪そして、メッセージではこれまでのフューズを振り返った。 これまでの道のりはすごかった!期待もしないような形でいろんな成長があった。そして、新たな心で今年を迎えよう!でっかいビジョンに向かって、一心に前進して行こう。このメッセージはVimeoにもUPされるので、要チェック☆
Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!!
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