On this last Sunday of November, we joined together for a great FUSE! This week, Saki shared with us her Life Story. She shared about how she learned that God was always with her and that she could trust him. She said that no matter how you believe before, you can know God and know that He is with you. It was a great thing to hear!
11月最後の日曜日。FUSEはみんなの笑顔でいっぱいだった! 今週はSakiによるライフストーリーの分かち合いもあったね。どんな時でも神さまは一緒にいてくれたし、これからもいてくれる・・・そのことを信じられた時、彼女の人生がどれだけ祝福されて、変えられたかを語ってくれた。どんな人でも、どんなバックグラウンドを持っていても、私たちには神さまを信じるっていう選択肢が与えられている。パワフルなメッセージ!
Later, Mark shared with us a message called Living by Faith, in this new series, Living for What Lasts. Some surprising things were said, especially about how life is full of faith, but sometimes we don't realize it. If you didn't have the chance to hear it, please check it and other messages out on Vimeo!!
そして今週からマークの新しいメッセージシリーズ「永遠に続くもののために生きる」がスタート!第一弾は「信仰によって生きる」。毎日何気なく過ぎていく日常の中にも、実は「信仰」がいっぱいあって、それなしじゃ前に進めていないってこと、みんな知ってた?椅子に座るとか、食事を口にするとか、どんなに小さなことでも 実は大丈夫だって「信じる」決心=信仰なしには行動に移せないんだよね。もっと聞きたい人は、VimeoでオンラインビデオをUPしているから見てね!
The FUSE Jesus Community Christmas Party is coming up!!! How exciting! We will celebrate together on December 19th with the special guest pro Gospel Singer Yukiko Tanaka! Please come along, bring your friends! And afterwards from 5:30pm, we're going to have a FUSE Christmas Dinner Party! It will be 2000yen per person at Machida's TGIFriday's! Sign up for the party is available at FUSE Jesus Community at the Welcoming Table, so be sure to stop by on Sunday! The registration deadline is December 2nd!
Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!!
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