We had a good time together this week at FUSE Jesus Community. Beside meeting new friends and hearing great music from the always awesome FJC band, we celebrated with Mark and Yuiko their 6th anniversary. All of us agreed that they are an example of how to have an excellent marriage relationship. We also had a first this weekend. Our friend Saki translated the message time for us into Japanese! She did a really great job!
This week, she and Janine brought the message. Janine spoke on freedom this week. But... freedom from what? What is the purpose of this freedom? These are all things we talked about this weekend. So, tune into http://www.vimeo.com/fusejc to find out more about this freedom you have!
今週は、ジャニンとサキが「自由」についてのメッセージをしてくれた。ところで・・・自由ってみんな何だと思う? その答えを知りたい人は・・・こちらのリンクからメッセージビデオをチェックしてね!→ http://www.vimeo.com/fusejc
Also, join us for Street Live this week and every week, Tuesday evening, 6:30pm at Sagamiono Station! We always have a very good time together. If you're not available on Tuesday, check us out on Friday! Location is to be announced, so shoot us an email if you're free and wanting to hear great music and participate! thefuse09@gmail.com
Be there on Sunday!! We meet every week at the new CLOUD 9 Studio in Machida! Every Sunday at 3pm! Come join a great Community and meet lots of new friends at this International Church!! We look forward to meeting you!! 毎週日曜午後3時から町田クラウドナインスタジオにてフューズ・ジーザス・コミュニティはみんなを待っているよ!最高の人生を、最高の仲間と一緒に築いていこう!みんなに会えるのを楽しみにしているよ!!
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